Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Friday the 13th review

I recently saw this movie and I loved it! I rate it an A-.

It kept the feel of the originals but also added a 21st century flavor. The frightful moments were spectacular. And it was an R rated film so you can probably guess what other things were in the film...

Some of the parts were a bit unbelievable in a bad way. In a part, Jason tied a girl in a sleeping bag and held here over a fire. This wasn't very "Jason-like".

But for the most part this movie rocked!

My rating: A-
Personal opinion: Good with new 21st century flavor
Age range: 15-30

Monday, February 23, 2009

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 4 News!

I just found some news on the fourth Wimpy Kid book!!!!

I am a die-hard fan of this series and I am constantly searching for more info.

Okay so the fourth book is gonna be all about Greg's summer vacation after year 2. I is scheduled to realease Fall 2009.

It will cover June-September (summer vacation)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3: The Last Straw

I give this book a B+. This is the third installment in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney.

This was still better than the original but not better than book 2. This book covers January-June of year 2. The plot was not as great as book 2's plot but it was managable.

A flaw I noticed was that Spring Break wasn't included.

In the third book we start to see Greg mature as his dad starts to crack down on him about how he needs to start doing manly things. But like always Greg doesn't listen.

Re-Read? Yes
My opinion: Good but plot wasn't great I don't see the series getting better, it seems like it's all the same.
Age range opinion: 10-18

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules

I give this book an A-. This is the sequal to Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

I personally loved what Jeff Kinney (author) did in book 2. This book covered months September-December of year 2. I loved that fact because Jeff was able to go deeper into each month unlike the first book. In book 1 the reader felt rushed because he only gave each month 20-40 pages max. In this book he stretched out each month and the reader got a better feel as the time of the year moved along.

There was also a better plot. The whole book Greg (main character) hints at a huge bad event that happened over his summer vacation and at the end of the book we find out what the horrible event was which created a fun rising action throughout the book.

A flaw I noticed is that Halloween and Christmas weren't in this book like they were in the first book which was a let-down.

Re-Read? Yes
My opinion: Good and better than the first but lacked some great monthly moments (Halloween and Christmas wasn't included)
Age range opinion: 10-18

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Opinion

I give Diary of a Wimpy Kid book 1 a B. It was a really good start to the series but it lacked some essential elements in my wimpy kid opinion. It covered months September-June of year 1. There are a few things I disliked. First off, the actual dates were not give, only the day of the week which made it hard to keep up with where you were in each month. Second, once you get to January, the months get shorter, especially once you reach March. Jeff Kinney (author) spent a ton of space in the book for September-December, but once you reach January, the months are only 10-25 pages each. And June was only 2 pages!

Another reason I rated this a B is because it seemed like it lacked a plot and main conflict. It was just a common routine throughout the entire book.

But overall it was a good read.

Re-Read? Yes
Personal opinion: Good but lacks plot and main conflict
My age range for this book: 10-18