Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friday Night Lights Season 3 Review

I have loved this show since it started almost three years ago and this season is the best yet.

In season 3 all of the main characters enter their senior year and they begin to make life-long choices that are both good and bad. This is a show that anyone can watch and love.

This season two characters have left the show; Smash and Jason. I liked how Smash left the show. He went to college which is the road he needed to take, but I hated how Jason left. The whole act that he moved to New York City to live with his one-night-stand and 4-month old baby was a little far-fetched.

Friday Night Lights official site:

You can purchase seasons 1 and 2 on and pre-order for season 3 is also now available.

Rating: A-
Age Group: 14+
Comments: Great show, but some story lines aren't believable

Quiet Strength Review

I recently finished Quiet Strength by former NFL coach, Tony Dungy. This was his first book. It was a memoir about his life up to when he led the Colts to victory at Superbowl XLI.

His book wasn't about football, it was about the life lessons he learned and taught THROUGH football. He tells of his bumpy childhood but also all the obstacles he hurtled.

His children are mentioned in the book a lot as well as his wife, Lauren.

This was a very good book that I enjoyed reading and I think that everyone could learn a lot from the teachings of Tony Dungy.

You can purchase this book at

Rating: A
Age Group: 13+
Comments: Great read, good lessons learned

Monday, March 9, 2009

Lady GaGa - The Fame Review

This is a brand new artist with a brand new flavor. I'm going gaga for GaGa!

I love the sound that she brings to the radio (and to my iPod haha). She stated that she named herself after the song Radio GaGa by Queen.

Her hit "Just Dance" has reached the top of the charts and her newer single, "Poker Face", is following the same footsteps.

She is blowing the listeners away with "LoveGame", a new, sexy, song about her thoughts on sexual relationships.

Lady GaGa official site:
LoveGame music video:

Her first album; The Fame, is now available on iTunes and

Rating: A

Survivor Season 18 Review

I have watched every season of this since it began except for Season 17.

This season is really good and one of the best. I like how two people go to Exile Island each week, giving the players a chance to inter-twine with the other tribe.

I didn't like, however, that only 16 people are competing this season. The show has only been on for 4 weeks and we are already down to 11 (as of tonight) which means a merge is looming nearer and nearer.

I also like the new strategies this season. The players are manipulating Exile Island as a way to form cross-tribe alliances.

I can't wait to watch this season unfold!
Survivor official site:

Rating: B+

Lost Season 5 Review

Ok, I have been following this show since the very first season and I can honestly say that each season gets more and more confusing.

This is the penultimate (second to last) season of Lost and it's getting very Sci-Fi and I don't like where the show is going. Time travel is a non-stop occurance this season and it's getting harder and harder to follow what time they're in.

But on the plus side, I love how they are adding new characters and killing off the older characters. So far this season, the show has killed off Charlotte and Locke. I was sad to see them die but then again, the cast was getting entirely too large and something needed to be done.

For more on this show go to for weekly spoilers and episode calendars.

Lost will return with new episodes March 18, 2009 on ABC.

Rating: B