Wednesday, November 25, 2009

American Idol Season 8 Artists Review

Ok so it's now November. And all American Idol viewers know what time it is...time for the season's finalists to release their debut albums.

Season 8 winner, Kris Allen, released his self-titled debut album November 17 and runner-up Adam Lambert released his debut album entitled "For Your Entertainment" on November 23. And fourth-place finalist, Allison Iraheta is set to release her debut album in December. But how do these new artists stack up against previous finalists?
The winner of season 8 is clearly a talented artist but his tracks are not nearly as powerful as his competitors Adam and Allison. Kris is very laid back which will attract some buyers but he is currently hiding in Adam Lambert's shadow. He isn't performing as if he was the real winner.
Rating: C+
The clear winner of season 8 is already steam rolling Kris Allen and Allison Iraheta but afte his extremely controversial AMA's performance will fans stick with him? After performing lewd gestures on national television that sparked a storm of angered viewers to call and complain to ABC, the station that hosted this year's AMA's. But Adam has enough support from his large fan base to rise from these ashes.
Rating: A-
The clear underdog of the three new artists is making a name for herself. With her smash debut single "Friday I'll Be Over U" already climbing the iTunes downloadscharts she is ready to battle the other two singers. Her album hits stores this December.
Rating: B

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