Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ke$ha: Animal Album Review

The dollar sign-studded pop rookie released her debut album this month entitled Animal and she has already climbed her way to the #1 spot for her debut single, Tik Tok.
Although she is heavily compared to other artists and seen as a new Lady GaGa, Ke$ha has created a sound that is completely her own. And with her already landing a #1 single, she is on her way to major pop success.
Highlights on the album include Take It Off and Hungover, both depicting her very personality; a crazy drunk lady. But somehow she makes it attractive. Her infectious beats keep people wanting more which is exactly what she's wanting.
Tik Tok has reached #1 on iTunes and Billboard's Hot 100 in the past month. Could we see more #1's in the coming months? I'd like to think so.
2009 was the year of Lady GaGa, 2010 will mark the year of Ke$ha.
Rating: B+
Age Range: 13+

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