Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Friday, November 26, 2010


Hello! I am moving on to a bigger and better blog. Move on over to http://tyadams.tumblr.com/ for DAILY posts!!! :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lady GaGa - Remix Albums Review

We all know by now that Lady GaGa is the current queen of pop and is blowing up radio stations everywhere. She has had 5 singles reach #1 but what a lot of people don't know is what she does once a song reaches #1.
For each #1 single that GaGa realeases, she produces a remix album on iTunes.
The pop sensation has had 5 #1's; Just Dance, Poker Face, LoveGame, Paparazzi, and Bad Romance. For each of those singles she has collaborated with various mixers and has released 8 remix albums exclusively on iTunes.
Each remix EP includes 3-5 remixes of the single. Sometimes, the remixes are more addicting than the original single.
This is an amazing way for GaGa to keep new material flowing (which is in high demand from her fans) as she works on her current tour and as she begins writing her 3rd album which is due to release late 2010.
These remix albums are only available on iTunes. Check 'em out!
Rating: A
Age Range: Anyone

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ke$ha: Animal Album Review

The dollar sign-studded pop rookie released her debut album this month entitled Animal and she has already climbed her way to the #1 spot for her debut single, Tik Tok.
Although she is heavily compared to other artists and seen as a new Lady GaGa, Ke$ha has created a sound that is completely her own. And with her already landing a #1 single, she is on her way to major pop success.
Highlights on the album include Take It Off and Hungover, both depicting her very personality; a crazy drunk lady. But somehow she makes it attractive. Her infectious beats keep people wanting more which is exactly what she's wanting.
Tik Tok has reached #1 on iTunes and Billboard's Hot 100 in the past month. Could we see more #1's in the coming months? I'd like to think so.
2009 was the year of Lady GaGa, 2010 will mark the year of Ke$ha.
Rating: B+
Age Range: 13+

The Blind Side Review

If you haven't heard the buzz about The Blind Side by now then you most likely haven't left your house since November.

This is easily Sandra Bullock's best film to date but what about the other actors in the film? We haven't heard much about them.

Tim McGraw, who played Bullock's husband, hasn't gotten many pats on the back for his performance in the film, nor has Quentin Aaron who played the aspiring football player, Michael Oher.

That may sound bad but this film was just what Bullock needed to bounce back from her horrible flop in All About Steve last September.

The film is moving in many ways but most of all it showed the common caregiving of the "southern" type people. This film depicted a very crystal clear image of how a homeless teen found a way to becoming a pro football player for the NFL.

Sandra Bullock received the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Drama which she very much deserved. And she also won the People's Choice Award for Best Comedy for her performance in The Proposal last June.

2009 was a huge, successful year for Sandra Bullock so let's hope she can carry on just as well in 2010.

Rating: A
Age Range: 10+

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lady GaGa - The Fame Monster Review

The highly anticipated second album of Lady GaGa is here but how does it stack up against the music nirvana of her first album "The Fame"?

Well, first off, The Fame Monster isn't really a full album, it's more of an EP. With just 8 new tracks on the CD, this is somewhat of a let-down.

I am a GaGa fanatic but when I listened to the album start to finish, it didn't feel like I had just listened to a Lady GaGa album. The only upbeat tracks on the CD are Bad Romance and Telephone (which features Beyonce), the other 6 tracks are slow-paced and felt really dark. "The Fame" was a very pop-like CD whereas "The Fame Monster" is a seemingly angry, sad version of the GaGa we've come to know. I, personally, was expecting a big step up for GaGa but this felt like 5 big steps back.

In the past year, Lady GaGa broke a music record when her debut album produced four #1 singles (Just Dance, Poker Face, LoveGame, and Paparazzi). She was also named the Most Fascinating Person of 2009 by Barbara Walters. AND she won the award for Best New Artist at this year's MTV Video Music Awards. So after I listened to the new CD I had to ask myself, "what happened?"

Lady GaGa set her bar extreamely high in the past year, moving at a pace that is nearly impossible to keep up for another year, let alone her entire career. Even though the new CD got mostly poor reviews from most critics, the first single from the album, Bad Romance, has already made it to #1. This is her fifth #1 in the past year, and with her other two singles; Speechless and Telephone, gaining more and more popularity on the radio, we might see a sixth and possibly seventh #1 from this tiny album.

At a second glance there are some highlights on the CD. The tracks Monster and Dance in the Dark reveal some clear anger from GaGa (a past boyfriend maybe?).

While currently on her Monster Ball tour, Lady GaGa still makes time for the talk shows and for her fans. I am an avid GaGa follower. She is pretty much all I listen to nowadays.

Overall the album was far too short, just 8 tracks compared to her first album's 14. A little more time and input onto the CD could have helped a lot. Let's just hope her third album will give the fans more of what they asked for.

Rating: C+
Age Range: 13+

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

American Idol Season 8 Artists Review

Ok so it's now November. And all American Idol viewers know what time it is...time for the season's finalists to release their debut albums.

Season 8 winner, Kris Allen, released his self-titled debut album November 17 and runner-up Adam Lambert released his debut album entitled "For Your Entertainment" on November 23. And fourth-place finalist, Allison Iraheta is set to release her debut album in December. But how do these new artists stack up against previous finalists?
The winner of season 8 is clearly a talented artist but his tracks are not nearly as powerful as his competitors Adam and Allison. Kris is very laid back which will attract some buyers but he is currently hiding in Adam Lambert's shadow. He isn't performing as if he was the real winner.
Rating: C+
The clear winner of season 8 is already steam rolling Kris Allen and Allison Iraheta but afte his extremely controversial AMA's performance will fans stick with him? After performing lewd gestures on national television that sparked a storm of angered viewers to call and complain to ABC, the station that hosted this year's AMA's. But Adam has enough support from his large fan base to rise from these ashes.
Rating: A-
The clear underdog of the three new artists is making a name for herself. With her smash debut single "Friday I'll Be Over U" already climbing the iTunes downloadscharts she is ready to battle the other two singers. Her album hits stores this December.
Rating: B