Sunday, April 12, 2009

Parks and Recreation Review

I have been excited for this show since Amy Poehlor left Saturday Night Live. It was well worth the wait!
The show's very first episode aired April 9. The show's first season will run through May 14. I was dissapointed to learn that the first season would only be 6 episodes but it is better than nothing.
This show is about a woman with a dream to make the perfect park. Kind of corny idea but the show does a great job of executing it. The show is filmed just like The Office, faux-documentary style which I really like.
You can watch Parks and Recreation Thursdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.
Rating: A-
Age Group: 13+
Comments: Great show, corny plot, great leading role.

Harper's Island Review

I was anticipating the premiere of this show for months and it finally premiered!

For those of you who aren't familiar with this show, it is about 25 people that go to an island (Harper's Island) for a wedding when mysteriously, they begin to be killed one by one. It is a 13-week mystery event.

The first episode was great. SPOILER! Two people are killed in the first episode. I won't tell you who.

This is a good show but something I noticed right away was that it is going to be difficult to keep up with 25 main characters. Throughout the episode you get a taste of everyone's personality and struggles but eventually it's impossible to keep up with everyone. It should get easier to keep up as they are killed because then there won't be so many characters.

Official Site:

You can watch Harper's Island Thursdays at 10/9c on CBS


Rating: B+

Age Group: 14+

Comments: Great plot, but too many characters to keep up with.

Nintendo Wii

Ok, I've been wanting a Wii for a long time and about a week ago I finally got one!

First off, this is a great console for family entertainment. It's a lot of fun to bowl with my parents every now and then. The actual Wii comes with one controller, one nunchuck, and Wii Sports game. You have to buy additional controllers as needed.

I love the Wii because there are hundreds of games and there is something for everyone. I now have seven games for the Wii and I love all of them. The only bad thing I've found so far is that it is sometimes awkward to control movement in some of the games. But you can manage.

With about a thousand games already on sale and tons more coming, there is something for everyone.


Rating: A

Age Group: Everyone

Monday, April 6, 2009

Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow Song Review

This is the newest single from the Black Eyed Peas.

I was very excited when I found out that they have a brand new album releasing June 2, 2009 entitled, The E.N.D. But when I listened to this song it was a major letdown.

I have been a fan of the Black Eyed Peas for a long time, but this song just isn't them. It doesn't really even have a beat to it either. It's just a jumbled mess of bad rapping.

It's not entirely bad though. I liked Fergie's part in the song and I liked's opener but that's about it.

Come on Black Eyed Peas, this is gonna be your final CD. You could have at least gone out with a bang, but you just gave a wimpy boom boom pow.

You can purchase the song on iTunes. The CD will be released June 2, 2009

Black Eyed Peas Official Site:

Rating: C-
Comments: Not the Black Eyed Peas's sound, lacks beat and original flavor.