Saturday, September 5, 2009

Big Brother 11 Review

Well, Big Brother 11 is coming to a close in just a little less than 2 weeks. This has been a season like no other.

This was Big Brother's come-back season after a detremental drop of 1.2 million viewers last summer for Big Brother 10.

Big Brother didn't let up with the twists this season starting with the rise of the high school cliques. The 12 houseguests were split into 4 popular high school cliques based on extensive personality testing. They were split into the brains, athletes, populars, and the offbeats. Making them play the game like never before because the winning Head of Household each week could not nominate a member of their clique for eviction. Then immediatley after Julie (host) revealed that shocker she announced that there was a 13th mystery houseguest which was none other than BB10's Jessie (UGH!).

After 3 weeks the house had dwindled to 10 remaining houseguests. At this point Julie announced that the cliques were no longer in affect. Bringing relief to the populars and the offbeats due to their cliques dwindling numbers (populars ha 1 left, offbeats had 2 left).

Then the Coup d'Etat came into play. America voted on the 10 remaining HGs to receive the power to overthrow the HOH. This power was used a week later and knocked out Jessie (WOO-HOO!).

The house was down to 8 when Big Brother history was made when Chima destroyed production property and was penalty evicted from the game throwing the game into a fast-forward to get back on schedule which brought the un-fair demise of Lydia (made me really mad!).

A week of normal gameplay went by before the next twist: Pandora's Box. The house at this point is down to 5 HGs and from here on out each week the HOH would be given a temptation which could affect the game. The first was Kevin who was greedy and released $10,000 to the other 4 HGs and he was left with nothing (haha serves him right!).

That's all that's happened thus far. With only 4 houseguests remaining, now is the time to jump into BB11 if you haven't already. The finale is September 15.


Rating: A

Age Range: 13+

Pros/Cons: Major step-up from BB10. Many many twists.

Big Brother showtimes:

Sundays at 8pm

Tuesdays at 9pm

Thursdays at 8pm

Official Big Brother Site:

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