Saturday, September 5, 2009

Halloween II Review

Halloween II is the re-adapted sequel to 2007's remake of the original Halloween. It starts exactly where the last one left off.

The motto for this installment is "family is forever". I won't give it away but one of the main characters turns out to be Michael Meyers' sister.

This installment is even more dissapointing than 2007's remake. It didn't really have an ensemble of main characters; just 2 real characters besides everyone that gets slashed. Constant flashbacks and confusing dreams tricks the audience into getting mixed up between what is real and what is a hallucination.

There also wasn't a real storyline other than the slasher trying to find his sister.

But there was a brief good moment at the end when we finally find out that Michael Meyers has a soft spot. I won't spoil it though.

Halloween III is already slated to release in 2011 and this time it's in 3-D. Let's hope they step it up for H3.


Rating: C-

Age Range: 16+

Pros/Cons: No storyline, poor cast, but good surprise ending.

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